Singing Guide: Michael Glenn-Smith

Singing Guide: Michael Glenn-Smith

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

In this article, we'll explore how to learn singing like Michael Glenn-Smith. Known for his smooth baritone voice, Glenn-Smith's technique incorporates modern and traditional elements, making his performances stand out in contemporary music. We'll discuss his vocal technique, songs that showcase his artistry, and practical tips to help you learn to sing like him.

Glenn-Smith employs classical bel canto singing technique. His voice is deeply resonant, and he has a clear, consistent tone throughout his range, with excellent control. Glenn-Smith's style is notable for his elegant phrasing and clean approach to embellishments. He also prioritizes breath control and uses it to create a smooth, effortless flow. He has even set up his warm-ups to emphasize his skill set, which he has shared on his website.

To learn how to sing like Glenn-Smith, one could use the resources provided by Singing Carrots. The vocal range test will help you determine your voice type and suitability for Glenn-Smith's repertoire. Additionally, the pitch accuracy test will help you work on pitch control, one of Glenn-Smith's essential skills. You can also use the Pitch Training educational singing game to improve your pitch and accuracy for singing like Glenn-Smith.

Glenn-Smith often sings ballads. 'You don't have to say you love me', and 'I Honestly Love You' by Olivia Newton-John are two of his signature pieces. They are slow and sustained, and they show off his ability to employ long phrasing without losing tonality. He uses vibrato, breath control, and clear, smoothly-transitioned pitch changes to create a dynamic arc.

To sing like Glenn-Smith, you should work on slow, sustained ballads. Focus on your breath control, phrasing, and pitch accuracy to create a smooth, cohesive performance. Incorporate open-mouthed singing and breathing exercises provided on Singing Carrots to improve your sound. Imbue each note with emotion, and you will be on your way to mastering examples of Glenn-Smith's style.

In conclusion, singing like Michael Glenn-Smith requires hard work and dedication. His baritone voice and smooth technique have set him apart in contemporary music. Use the resources provided by Singing Carrots and practice sustained ballads while focusing on your breath control, phrasing, and pitch accuracy. Incorporate emotive elements into your singing for the ideal performance. With these skills, you will be closer to mastering Glenn-Smith's style and bringing his artistry to life.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.